Chang Hua Construction Presented the BCA Green Mark Award 2011
Chang Hua Construction Pte Ltd was presented the Platinum Green Mark Award from Building & Construction Authority for the Tomlinson Heights Project.
The award winning project is a Condominium comprising 1 Block of 36-Storey Residential Flats (Total: 70 Units) With 1 Basement Carpark, Swimming Pool & Communal Facilities on Lot 00826M TS24 at Tomlinson Road (River Valley Planning Area)
It consist of the following green Features:
Estimated energy savings: 1,412,117 kWh/yr; Estimated water savings: 15,344m3/yr; RETV: 15.08W/m2
Passive and low energy architecture with North-South oriented building layout.
Ventilation simulation is carried out to aid in the design of the dwelling units for good natural ventilation within the units.
Energy efficient air-conditioners with 4 ticks to be provided to all units.
Eco plug is to be provided to every dwelling unit.
Collection of rainwater for irrigation and automatic drip irrigation system for landscape.
Extensive use of environmentally friendly products and low VOC paint to ensure good indoor air quality.
Provision of lush greenery in the whole development.
Pneumatic refuse collection system is used to ensure good environmental quality.